

Very nice article "Naked woman on photos 1950-1960s years"
15 Photographers with their vision of the beauty
Article is in Russian, but "Only the picture contains the message" as Chris Dematté said :)

Lucien Clergue

" After the war the 40s reflected even in pictures of naked girls that, the world was waiting for romantic, light-heartedness and love...
At this time the photography is divided into documentary photography (which captures the real world around through the lens of a photographer), fine art photography (working with abstractions and illusions), and the applied photography performing a specific function.
In nude stile happened the same but with some exceptions. There are almost documentary photography, such as by the Dutch Sanne Sandnes, and experiments that represent the female body as a geometric or sculptural piece, like by Ica Philander, or made using innovative techniques and methods as pictures by Lucien Clergue, and applied photos for magazines, postcards, advertisements, such as Bert Stern's photo shoot with an almost naked Marilyn Monroe for Vogue. The last category is increasing because of grow up popularity of pin-up images, the development of the celebrity cult, and especially after the appearance in the 53. issue of magazine Playboy, formally legalized the whole direction of erotic photography..."

Good week end start for everybody! )


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